June 7, 2006
At the Crossroads
Reconciling the twin Punjabi scripts
reside at both sides of the border between India and Pakistan. But they
settle down wherever they find the environment congenial. Away from home,
it is the language they speak that binds them together. Punjabi language
manifests their cultural background and this factor creates bonhomie among
There is a hiatus of script between the Punjabi speaking people on both
the sides of the border and elsewhere. Conversation is unhampered but
the written word in Gurmukhi and Shahmukhi scripts creates the problem.
There is a need to learn both the scripts so as to be in touch with the
corpus of Punjabi literature. The Punjabi Diaspora converses in Punjabi
but for the writing, either of the two scripts is used. Even then the
terminology used in Gurmukhi script and the Shahmukhi script creates
'Sanjh', a Punjabi quarterly published simultaneously from Ludhiana and
Lahore has stepped in, with its inaugural issue (April, May and June,
2007), to serve as a bridge between the two scripts. The journal published
in Ludhiana is in Gurmukhi script and the one published in Lahore is in
Shahmukhi script. The material is same in both the versions and there
is also no change in the board of Editors. The stress is on streamlining
the Punjabi language by eliminating unfamiliar Urdu and Hindi words. The
reading needs be smooth when the written word in both the scripts is the
The managing editor of 'Sanjh', Safir Rammah is coordinator of Academy
of the Punjab in North America. His editorial team includes well-known
Punjabi litterateurs, including Ludhiana-based Dr Jagtar Dhiman and Dr
Manu Sharma Sohal. Dr Dhiman composes poems in English and writes
imaginative prose composition in Punjabi. He is also adept at rendering
English into Punjabi and vice versa. Dr Sohal is a creative writer as well
as a researcher. Her doctoral thesis presents a comparative study of the
Punjabi poetry of Shiv Kumar Batalvi and the Hindi poetry of Gopal Das
Niraj from the viewpoint of the mystique of death. Dr Jagtar and Dr Manu
are coordinators of Punjabi Culture Study Circle International.
The other two editors of 'Sanjh', Javed Boota and Anant Kaur, are based in
USA. Pakistan-based associate editors are Mohammad Asif Raza and Sajid
The symbolic cover design of 'Sanjh' is by the renowned artist Sabir
Nazar, who is with the 'Daily Times' and the 'Friday Times', Lahore.
'Sanjh' is a purely literary journal and its inaugural issue
carries articles, poems, short stories, travelogues and 'in memoriam'
notices. Significantly, the line quoted under the title of 'Sanjh' - 'Bulhe
Shah asan
marna nahin'. (Bulhe Shah, we are not destined to die) highlights its
theme. The underlying meaning indicates the restoration of peace in South
Asia by reviving Punjabi culture that stands for amity.
It is pertinent to mention another Punjabi literary quarterly, 'Punjabi
Alam', from Chandigarh that has made its mark with its second issue. This
journal is also published in twin-scripts, Gurmukhi as well as Shahmukhi,
and it lays stress on the need of learning both the scripts. 'Sanjh' too
shares this laudable aim but, at the same time, its focus is on bringing
together all Punjabis of the world under the banner of their composite
culture. -
N.S. Tasneem
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